Walk My Project
Introducing our new online platform tailored for your construction ventures. With Walk My Project, you can experience weekly, biweekly, or monthly multimedia progress reports, showcasing 360-degree walkthroughs, high-resolution photos, and aerial drone footage of your construction sites. These comprehensive reports offer an immersive journey, enabling investors, architects, project managers, and CEOs to effortlessly track the progress of each project with precision and convenience.
Our clients are provided with their own Log In where only you or those you provide log in credentials can view your project’s progress updates and Walk your project virtually from anywhere in the world , twenty-four hours a day.
To watch a 360-degree video, there are three ways:
On a desktop PC (locally, and online), the viewer can use the mouse to pan and look around;
On a mobile device, the viewer can either use a finger to pan and look around or directly point the device to where the viewer wants to look;
In a virtual reality (VR) headset, the viewer is virtually wrapped by the video and can simply look around as it is in real life, by moving their head.