Tag: design build

ABG News

Tips on How to Get the Best Work from Your General Contractor

When working with a general contractor, there are 3 important things to keep in mind to ensure your project is a success:

1- Establish Good Communication

When working with a contractor, establish how you will communicate about the job.  How and when they will answer your questions, for example:

  • Speak with your contractor weekly to check on progress
  • Approve or Change items during weekly meetings

By establishing clear channels of communication and a regular schedule for checking on progress, you can be sure your project will stay on deadline and on budget.

2-Track All Changes

Any good general contractor will be able to handle job changes, such as running into structural issues or communicating when additional work is needed as the project evolves, so be sure to keep track of the project timeline and progress. You can also jot down questions you have about the project, which will help you to feel more connected to and involved with the progress of the job.

3-Be Clear About Budget

It’s acceptable to speak to your contractor regularly about your budget; don’t be afraid to be clear and up front with what you can afford. Knowing your budget lets your contractor know where you stand with regards to your overall plan and then work within the framework of the price.

The more your contractor knows about your budget, timeline and expectations, the more satisfied you will be with the end product.

Looking for a general contractor for your job, contact ABG Builders today.


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ABG News, Uncategorized

Qualities to look for in a General Contractor

When hiring a general contractor there are certain qualities to look for that will help you determine their capability and reliability.

  1. Good Communication 

A good contractor must have excellent communication skills. When discussing projects, the contractor must be able to present ideas logically and answer client questions completely. Good communication leads to better productivity and greater innovation.

  1. Organization

Whether your project is large or small, organization is a key factor in accomplishing your goals. Planning and coordination are critical aspects of any commercial construction project.

  1. Outstanding Client Testimonials

An organized and successful contractor will have an excellent list of client testimonials to show they have a track record of success.

We hope that you find this article to be helpful when it comes to choosing your general contractor.


Contact your experienced Design-Build General Contractor: ABGbuilders.com 

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